Reproduction Technologies
Sheep Breeders:
- for ensuring your connectivity to other breeders across NZ to maintain the validity of benchmarking in your flock.
- Availability of genetics, New Zealand and globally.
- Maintain a rare breed or rare traits.
Sheep commercial farmers:
- To utilise genetics you wouldn’t usually have access to.
- To accelerate your desired outcome.
Services Available
- Artificial Insemination
- Laparoscopic AI
- Cervical AI
- Embryo Transfer
- Semen Collection
- Are you clear on your own breeding objectives, and are they aligned to your breeders?
- Do you choose to breed fine wool? Cross bred wool? No wool?
- Do you know your breeder can select against parasites or daginess?
- In what ways do you ensure you benchmark your performance with your genetics?

Sheep Milking
Understanding your desired milking system allows for the development of farm system and genetics to match.
Certain core traits are required in the success of establishing a milking ewe and further more improving the flock into the future.
Secondary traits can be established and selected upon to refine performance and efficiency .
We are also able to provide the reproduction services above to the Sheep milking industry, and genetics advice where required.
Get in touch
Get in touch today and let’s see how we can help maximise your flocks performance.